Virtual Events & Activities “How-to” Schola

We are hosting a Virtual Events & Activities “How-to” Schola this Saturday August 29!
This will be on Zoom. Please email for Zoom information.

Schedule (Eastern Time):
10am – Zoom Hosting & Walkthrough
11am – Roundtable: Regular Virtual Meetings
noon – A Logistical Template for a Virtual Event
1pm – Thinking Outside the Box for a Virtual Event
2pm – The Social Side of Virtual Events
3pm – Ask the Experts – An Informal Panel Discussion/Q&A with Virtual Event Stewards From Across the Knowne World

Class Descriptions:

* Zoom Hosting & Walkthrough * (10am EST, Baroness Amalie Reinhardt) – You’ve been asked to Host (be a Zoomerator) for a Zoom class/meeting. How do you start the meeting? How do people join? How do people share screen? What other controls are available to you in the room? Join our session and find out the answers to these questions, and more, from Baroness Amalie.

* Roundtable: Regular Virtual Meetings * (11am EST, Baron Padraig O’Branduibh) – All those who have or are interested in running regular weekly/monthly/other meetings for their SCA activity are encouraged to participate and share experiences, ideas, and best practices

* A Logistical Template For a Virtual Event * (12pm EST, Baroness Elena de la Palma) – The event steward for AEthelmearc AEcademy shares her template for the practical side of virtual events.

* Thinking Outside the Box in the Digital Space * (1pm EST, Baroness Nuzha bint Saleem) – Tips and tricks and pitfalls about virtual events and meetings.

* Success in the Social Side of Virtual Events * (2pm EST, Sir Tiberius Finn) – The Event Steward of Caid’s Potrero War discusses his experience running Virtual Potrero, including how to get people engaged and socializing with each other outside of formal event activities.

* Ask the Experts Panel Discussion* (3pm) – An informal panel discussion/Q&A with Virtual Event Stewards from across the Knowne World. Bring your questions and topics! Panelists include:
+Dame Adriana le Bretonne – Chancellor of the University of Atlantia
+Baroness Elena de la Palma – Chancellor of AEthelmearc AEcademy
+Lady Marion le Red – Atlantia’s KMoAS, and staff for Pennsic in Your Backyard
+Lady Shahzada Isfahani – Lead Admin for Virtual Pennsic (Unofficial)
+Baroness Sigríðr Úlfsdóttir de Lacy (aka Sigrid) – Event Steward for Atenveldt’s A&S Collegium and Martial Collegium
+Sir Tiberius Finn – Event Steward for Caid’s Protrero War